
Your Early Winter Lawn Care Checklist

In the United States, approximately 50% of homeowners who have upgraded their lawns spend more than six hours outdoors weekly. This is according to a 2016 trends study by Houzz Landscaping and Garden. For a healthy and lush lawn, however, proper care from natural lawn care services is required, especially during the beginning of the winter season. Read on to find out the ultimate lawn care tips that should be in your November lawn care checklist.

1. Perforate the Soil for Aeration

This lawn care practice involves making small holes to prevent soil compaction by using either the spike aerator or the plug aerator. It ensures proper circulation of nutrients, air, and water to the grassroots of your lawn. This, in turn, results in stronger and deeper roots, keeping your grass lush. Be sure to contact natural lawn care services because they have better trained and equipped personnel for this task.

2. Get Rid of Fallen Leaves

Fallen leaves on your lawn hinder its ability to thrive, and getting rid of them should be on the top of your November lawn care checklist. They not only block the sunlight, which is essential for photosynthesis but also create the perfect condition for diseases and pests. Additionally, they trap moisture, which leads to bare spots. Avoid this by raking up the leaves frequently until snow falls.

3. Fertilize the Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn with essential nutrients during the end of fall and early winter is a crucial part of ensuring the health of your lawn even through winter dormancy, hence why you need to include it in your checklist. However, you need to contact natural lawn care services to help you determine the specific requirements of your lawn. Depending on the needs, you’ll need to apply the most suitable organic fertilizer to your lawn.

4. Control the Weeds

Weeding is an essential process in ensuring the overall health of your lawn, making it a must-do activity during early winter. Consult a specialist who offers natural lawn care services because they’ll know the right treatment plan to control the weeds. Annual weeds and perennial weeds have contrasting life cycles, thus they should receive different treatment plans.

5. Repair Bare Patches

The end of fall has the best temperatures for you to plant or repair thinning patches because the ground is warm. Be sure to sow seeds after aerating the soil to utilize the soil nutrients. You should choose native grasses since they adapt quickly to the environment.

Proper lawn care in November prepares your lawn for the winter season and grooms it for the spring season. Hire natural lawn care services for a healthy lawn by contacting Soils Alive today!