
You Need to Complete These Lawn Maintenance Tasks Before Fall Ends

Taking care of your lawn might not seem like a year-round gig if you live in an area that sees all four seasons, but that’s just not true. Fall lawn maintenance is just as important as spring cleanup! From natural fertilizer to clearing leaves, here are three fall lawn maintenance tasks you can’t forget about.

Manage Leaves Carefully

Leaves are a part of fall, and it’s important to manage them correctly when they’re on your lawn. It can be tempting to remove every single leaf just to see a clean yard, but that could have consequences. Dead leaves are not only excellent natural fertilizers for your lawn, but they’re also important for your local ecosystem. Pollinators of all kinds use leaves for food and shelter, so make sure you’re not hauling every leaf out to the curb for pickup. Instead, it’s a good idea to clear some leaves away and mulch the rest with your lawnmower while you’re cutting the grass. This will help ensure your lawn can breathe and that your local ecosystem remains healthy.

Let the Rain Take Over

The cooler seasons often bring more rainfall with them, which means it’s time to take a break from watering your lawn. As the weather gets colder and your grass begins to grow more slowly, it’s a good idea to let nature run its course. The rainfall that your lawn gets during the autumn months is typically more than enough to sustain it throughout the season. So unless it’s been a few weeks without rain, there’s really no need to water your lawn by hand as often as you would during the spring and summer months.

Start Wrapping Shrubs

Wrapping isn’t necessary for every shrub on your lawn, but you should consider investing in supplies for the more delicate plants in your landscape. Evergreen shrubs and shrubs that have delicate branches are typically the best candidates for wrapping with burlap. Doing so will protect them from harsh winds and prevent snow from weighing down and damaging their branches. While it might not be time to actively start wrapping shrubs, this is something you’ll need to think about before the first snowfall occurs.

Taking care of your lawn is an important task during fall. For more information and fall lawn maintenance tips, don’t hesitate to contact our team today.