Winter Weed Series: Henbit

weed: /wēd/noun

a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants.


Life is defined by the lens you’re looking through. Weeds are literally anything you call them to be! A misplaced garden gnome could be a weed!

HENBIT is a very common winter weed here in Texas. Fun fact: it got its name because chickens like to nibble on it!

It is a member of the mint family and you can identify this by its square shaped stem. Pick on up and roll it between your fingers and you’ll see! They are identified by their purple flowers, dark puckered leaves and hairy stems. It prefers moist soil and can grown in shady and sunny environments.

There are several control methods for henbit that do include pre and post emergent weed control applications but by and large the best way to culturally control henbit is by mowing it. A thick and healthy lawn doesn’t hurt also! After mowing it a couple of times you will notice that it has no fight left in it.