As a homeowner, you take great pride in keeping your lawn green and lush. Suddenly, you’re having to deal with grass that’s turning brown and is stressed. You’ve used organic fertilizer, liquid compost, and a host of other products; but you still have a brown lawn. Let’s examine some reasons that you have grass that’s crispy, crunchy, brown, and stressed.

Why Your Lawn Turned Brown
Lack of Water
One reason that your lawn is brown may be due to a lack of water. If your lawn receives little to no water, then it will dry up, become brittle and turn brown. You’ll first notice brown patches of grass. Then, as the dryness spreads, you’ll eventually have a lawn that is completely brown. Are you a homeowner that has a sprinkler system? Then, be sure to work with your sprinkler tech, ensuring that you program your sprinkler to come on at least two to three times a week. Early morning hours are the best time to water a lawn. You can use the best organic lawn fertilizer brands, weed control, or other products on your lawn; but if your lawn doesn’t receive adequate water, it will turn brown.
Too Much Watering
Are you a homeowner who may be watering your lawn a bit too much? While a lack of water can cause a lawn to turn brown, over-watering can also cause a lawn to turn brown. Too much water can deprive your lawn of oxygen, which can result in the rotting of crowns and roots.
Improper Fertilization Techniques
It’s great to have organic lawn fertilizer or natural fertilizer. However, if you are using them improperly, you could be causing your lawn to turn brown. Over-fertilizing can result in burning and stress. Improper fertilization techniques will cause your lawn to turn brown. Additionally, you’ll walk on the lawn and feel the grass crunch under your feet. Knowing how to properly fertilize your lawn will help you to keep it green healthy and vibrant.
Lack Of Fertilization
Forgoing the fertilization altogether can also result in a brown and stressed lawn. There are many organic lawn fertilizer brands on the market that can help you achieve a green and healthy lawn. You can even discuss your options with an agent at an organic lawn care services company. Natural fertilizer can provide you with balanced soil fertility. You never want to apply your fertilizer during the hottest days and times of the year. So, ask your natural lawn care company for the best organic lawn fertilizer solutions for your lawn.
Improper Lawn Care and Cutting
Mowing your grass too frequently, mowing it too short, and leaving grass clumps, can all contribute to a brown and stressed lawn. Thanks to many organic lawn service companies, you can receive treatments that allow you to grow a healthy lawn. These companies can also recommend the best cutting techniques and care for your grass.
Contact Your Organic and Natural Lawn Care Company Today
Whether it’s organic lawn fertilizer you have a question about or something else, your organic lawn care specialists can provide the fertilizer, nutrients, and treatments you need to have a healthy lawn. You can also receive tips and advice for cutting and taking care of your lawn in between organic lawn care treatments. In data released by Harris Poll for the National Association of Landscape Professionals, over half of Americans polled, agree that professional landscaping and lawn treatments would help them have a nicer yard. Isn’t it nice to know that you have an organic lawn service, ready to assist? Contact them today, for the best in natural lawn care!