When you spend a significant amount of time on your lawn, the last thing you want to see is it turn brown. Unfortunately, there can be a number of reasons why your lawn is no longer green. Let’s learn about them so you can get a better idea of how to care for your lawn properly.

Why Is Your Lawn Turning Brown?
When there are periods of high heat combined with low water, it can make your grass go dormant. This response is normal, and grass typically recovers when the temperature lowers and the rain continues. However, when there is excessive drought, it causes your grass to turn brown. An ideal way to prevent this is to water your grass during a drought.
Weeds can take food and water from your grass. However, they can be hard to control. Natural fertilizers can help prevent the seeds of weeds from growing. A professional company can use natural fertilizers to create a maintenance and treatment plan.
There are more than dozens of fungi and diseases that can make your lawn brown. If you notice brown, black, or white substances on the grass, then it is most likely disease. You should hire a professional to assess the damage to your lawn. When you have a healthy lawn, it helps to resist disease. Healthy habits for your lawn include regular mowing, good aeration, thatch management, and plenty of water in the morning.
Grubs and Bugs
Cinch bugs suck the water right out of the lawn. When this happens, your grass becomes wilted, yellow, and then brown. A great way to prevent cinch bugs from appearing is to remove thatches and keep persistent moisture in the lawn. Grubs are beetle larvae that enjoy feeding on roots. This feeding makes the grass think it is going through a drought. As a result, it begins to yellow and then brown.
When you use techniques such as natural fertilizers, it can help your grass stay lush and green. When you have a lush lawn, it makes it perfect for additional decorations and lawn ornaments. In fact, as many as 250,000 pink lawn ornaments are sold in shops in the United States each year! To learn more about keeping your lawn in its best health, contact Soils Alive.