
What’s The Best Type Of Grass For Your Lawn?

Choosing the right kind of grass can be, well, overwhelming. With so many species of grass and varying degrees of hardiness, choosing the right grass is crucial and largely tied to where you live. Put simply, you need to choose a grass that grows best in your local climate since not all grass species are equal. In the United States, the three most common grass types in yards are Cyperaceae (Sedges, Bullrushes), Juncaceae (Rushes), and Poaceae (Grasses). While all three of these species grow throughout the world, Poaceae is the most common grass species. There’s a tidbit for the next time you go to trivia night! So just how do you choose which grass species is best for your lawn?

Understand that USDA Zoning Map

Every grass species grow in certain hardiness zones, those zones are defined by the USDA, and you can find maps with this information online. Although the hardiness zones range from 1 to 13 most of the United States only ranges from 3 to 8. This helps narrow down the grass type. So, begin by finding your hardiness zone.

Zones 2-5

If you live in zones 2-5 or the somewhat south and to the east then Kentucky Blue Grass or Fall Fescue are great options. Both of these grass species offer excellent growth in the winter, spring, and fall, and will go dormant for most of the summer. This means while it’s hot out you don’t need to worry about watering the yard as much. These grasses also offer varying degrees of drought tolerance and will rebound rather fast after sun damage. Therefore these species are not only great for these zones but great for people whole don’t want to go grass and yard work during the summer (as much).

Zones 5-8

Both Zoysia and Blue Grass are the best options for zones 5-8 or the lower Midwest all the way down South. These two species vary from coarse to fine in texture and offer will grow more in the warm months. This grass is extremely drought tolerant and perhaps best for people who forget to water their yards or for those you chose not to.

Zones 8 and Up

If you live far down south or in the Southwest then Buffalo grass is the perfect option. This species is the most drought-resistant and will do just fine with little to no water for weeks on end. This grass however grows more in “patches” with smaller strands in between. So, don’t expect the traditional grass look, but rather a more desert vibe with bright green patches of grass.

This information will help you pick the best grass for your climate. Find a lawn care website or talk to a specialist near you for more tips. In the end, just make sure to go with organic lawn care options to keep your yard healthy and happy.