
Understanding How Organic Lawn Fertilizer Can Help Your Lawn

The demand for organic lawn fertilizer has increased due to more consumers wanting to use environmentally safe products. Organic fertilizer has many advantages over synthetic products. It builds healthy soil and lawns, does not burn lawns, and provides a safe environment for your pets, family, and neighbors. It is made of natural materials, such as compost, wood, and manure. A green lawn will add value to your home or apartment community.

Organic Lawn Fertilizer Builds Up the Soil

Organic lawn fertilizer slowly releases nutrients into the soil that contribute to healthier soil and plants over time. These nutrients are phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium. They build up the soil and contribute to healthier roots in grass and plants in gardens. This fertilizer helps soil to retain important nutrients that plants need to grow. It increases bacteria in the soil, leading to the growth of soil microbes. Your grass and plants are less likely to have disease and problems with insects.

Improves pH Balance

Organic lawn fertilizer does not burn out your lawn when applied correctly. It is not linked to causing illness due to chemicals. Burnt lawns that remain brown all season do not give the yard a nice lush green look. It becomes hard to enjoy being outside and enjoying the yard.

Organic lawn fertilizer also improves the soil pH and prevents acidic soil. The manure increases the pH of the soil, which leads to healthier soil for your lawn all year round. It releases nutrients more slowly, and grass and plants take longer to grow. You should aerate the soil before using the fertilizer to improve air circulation and water absorption. Leave grass clippings when you mow to decrease the amount of fertilizer needed.

Reduce Watering to Grow Deep Roots

Reduce watering when using organic lawn fertilizer to grow deeper roots. Frequent watering leads to shallow root systems that often die and get brown quickly. Try to spread the fertilizer evenly, and avoid too much in one area. Not watering your lawn enough or too much can cause a brown lawn even with organic fertilizer.

Natural Fertilizer Presents Long-Term Solutions

Organic lawn fertilizer can take longer to grow grass and plants, but overall, it is better for your health. It may be more expensive, but it will give you a green, healthy lawn. Many fertilizers are designed to meet the standards of your geographic area. Over the long term, it will contribute to a healthier lawn and garden.

The chemicals in some fertilizers run into the ground, into streams, and local water supplies, causing pollution. It contaminates the soil and even drinking water. With organic lawn fertilizer, you may have to wait a few years to see results. However, it is a great solution for long-term lawn improvement. Since spending about 5% on natural lawn care and landscaping can yield a return on investment of about 150%, consider purchasing organic lawn fertilizer to enhance the health and look of your lawn today.