
The Time Is Now to Get Your Yard Ready for Winter

Winter can be a very harsh season. As such, you need to take time to prepare your yard and ensure it’s ready for the cold weather. Here are some winter yard preparations you’ll want to make.

Winter Lawn Care

You must never neglect your landscaping, even in winter. Most people, 60% to be precise, believe that a well-landscaped yard influences their decision to buy a house. That indicates just how important your lawn is.

As you move closer to winter, the first thing you will want to do is gradually lower your cutting deck. This will enable you to lower the height of your lawn in preparation for winter. If your lawn height is too tall, it might end up being host to field mice and other animals during winter.

Apart from adjusting your lawn height, you will also need to get a jump on perennial cool-season weeds as part of your organic lawn care routine. The best way to get rid of plants like dandelion and henbit is by treating your lawn with a pre-emergent herbicide. This can be done in early fall and it works quite well in cool-season lawns. Once you spray a pre-emergent herbicide, it will stop seeds that dropped onto the lawn during early summer from sprouting.

Take Care of Your Water Features

If you have any water features in your yard, you must also take time to prepare them for winter. For small water features like fountains and birdbaths with no plants or fish, all you need to do is drain, clean, and cover. It’s also important to ensure that all pumps submerged in water are stored in a frost-free place. Anything small enough to be moved can be stored indoors.

Protect Your Potted Plants

Apart from organic lawn care, you will also need to take care of your potted plants. During the colder months, the stems and leaves of your potted plants usually go dormant. However, the roots of these plants can’t do the same. That’s why you need to protect them by insulating your potted plants. Another thing that might help protect your potted plants is to move them to the shadiest side of your house. This will ensure that they are not affected by temperature swings.

These are some of the yard preparations you must make for winter. This will ensure that your yard easily returns to tip-top shape once winter passes. For additional winter organic lawn care tips, you can consult Soils Alive, the top lawn professionals, if you aren’t sure what to do next. Contact us today!