Your lawn is suffering and you’ve already taken fertilizer from the bag and thrown it on the grass with the hopes that you’ll have green and healthy grass in a few days. However, you now notice that you have some severely burned spots on your grass. What happened? It’s time to contact a professional organic lawn service to help you remedy that burned lawn. Let’s explore some great reasons why you need organic lawn care and more to fix that scorched grass.

How Organic Lawn Care Can Help a Burned Lawn
A Complete Assessment of your Lawn
When you hire a professional organic lawn service to survey your burned lawn, the professionals will take the time to assess the burns that your grass has. Chances are your lawn has some chemical burns from the ingredients that were in the lawn fertilizer you applied. There is also a chance that your fertilizer spreader may have malfunctioned and dispersed an excessive amount of fertilizer in one area, causing chemical burns. Additionally, it may not have been a good idea to take fertilizer from the bag, manually throw it on your grass, and hope for the best.
As an organic lawn care company, we have seen severely burned lawns while homeowners have admitted to spreading fertilizer that burned the grass. Grass fertilizer that is derived from organic sources will not burn lawns. Allow us to treat your lawn and offer a regimen that will ensure that your grass is restored to a healthy state. Oftentimes, homeowners may have the best of intentions when it comes to fertilizer spreading. However, they are not educated as to the ingredients that are in certain fertilizers or the method to use to spread the fertilizer on the lawn. This can result in grass that has chemical burns and needs a corrective organic lawn service.
Water and Corrective Lawn Care
In the aftermath of a lawn fertilizer treatment gone bad, your grass needs a generous amount of water. Those chemicals that burned the grass need to be flushed out of the soil. So, you will have to spend a considerable amount of time watering your grass. You can certainly hope that Mother Nature helps with a few rainy days. However, your grass now needs a tremendous amount of water to return its green color and healthy state.
As your organic lawn service, we can introduce you to natural fertilizers, nutrient-rich liquid compost, and other treatments that can help to restore your lawn to a lush and vibrant state. Many times, homeowners are not aware of the ingredients that are in certain fertilizers. That’s why it’s so important to consult with a lawn care company before taking steps to treat your grass.
A reliable lawn care company will also take time to explain the differences between natural lawn fertilizer and the fertilizer that you see at your local supermarket. Once an assessment is made, you can begin administering treatments that will correct the grass that was burned as well as the soil that now needs hydration and nutrients in it.
It can be aggravating to spend your money, time, and energy fertilizing a lawn only to have it damaged. Instead of heading to the hardware store for that popular fertilizer, connect with us to help you remedy that burned lawn. Our organic lawn service and treatments help to revive parched lawns, without compromising the lawn, soil, or environment with chemicals. Connect with us today for quality organic lawn care and restore your lawn fast.