
How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn? (Tips From Lawn Experts)

Mowing your lawn is an important part of taking care of your home. It keeps the grass healthy and looking good. But how often do you need to mow it? And does the type of grass you have change mowing frequency? In this blog post, we will answer all of your questions about mowing your lawn!

Basic lawn mowing tips

Before we get into the specifics let’s talk about some of the main things you should know about mowing your lawn. Usually, you should mow when the grass is dry. This helps to prevent clumping and uneven cuts. Change up your mowing pattern each time you mow to avoid creating ruts. And lastly, be sure to keep your grass a bit longer in shady areas which helps make up for the lack of sunlight.

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn In Spring?

Now that we’ve gone over some of the basics, let’s talk about mowing frequency. In general, you should be mowing your lawn about once a week in the spring. This gives the grass time to grow without getting too long. If you live in an area with a lot of rainfall, you may need to mow more often. And if your grass is growing slowly, you can mow every ten days or so.

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn In Summer?

During the summer months, you may need to mow your lawn twice a week. The heat and humidity speed up growth, so you’ll need to mow more often to keep the grass at a manageable length. If you let the grass get too long, it will be more difficult to mow and can lead to problems like brown patches.

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn In Winter?

Grass growth slows down in the winter, so you won’t need to mow as often. Once every two weeks should be sufficient. Be sure to adjust your mowing height for the winter months. Grass should be a bit longer in the winter to help protect it from the cold weather.

How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn In Fall?

As we move into fall, growth slows down and you can return to mowing once a week. This is the ideal time to fertilize your lawn and give it a little extra TLC to prepare it for winter.

Mowing by grass type

Believe it or not, your mowing frequency will vary based on the type of grass you have. Since different types of grass need varying amounts of water, shade, fertilizer, or weed treatment this can affect how quickly it grows and therefore how often it should be mowed.

Common Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that is great for high-traffic lawns. In fact, it’s commonly used on golf courses. If you have Bermuda grass, you should mow it every four to seven days or when the grass height reaches 1-2 inches tall.

St. Augustine Grass

St. Augustine grass does not do well in cold weather and tends to need a lot of water. It’s most commonly found in the southern US. St. Augustine should be mowed every seven to fourteen days or when the grass height reaches 2-3 inches tall.


Zoysia grass is a more prickly type of lawn that is great for areas that get really hot. It needs less water than other types of lawns so it grows a bit slower. Zoysia should be mowed every seven to ten days or when the grass height reaches 1-1.5 inches tall.

Can You Mow Your Lawn Too Much?

Yes, it is possible to mow your lawn too much! If you over-mow your lawn, you can damage the grass and make it more susceptible to disease. It’s important to find the right balance for your particular grass type and climate. If you’re in a drought make sure you maw your lawn at different frequencies since your lawn care during a drought is important.

When You Should Not Mow

There are also times when you should not mow your lawn. For example, if there has been a lot of rain and the ground is wet, it’s best to wait until it dries out to avoid damaging the grass. You should also avoid mowing at the hottest part of the day. It is better to mow in the late afternoon or early evening.

In Conclusion

Having a healthy lawn improves the look of your yard and makes the outside of your home look more attractive. Mowing in the right intervals and making sure you mow according to the type of grass you have are key elements in keeping your lawn looking vibrant. If you’re looking for organic lawn care, check out our soil building program to boost the health of your lawn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is frequent mowing good for grass?

Yes, frequent mowing is good for grass because it encourages growth. The more you mow, the more the grass will grow. However keep in mind recommended lengths at which to mow your grass based on it’s type. Bermuda grass should be mowed at 1-2 inches tall, St. Augustine mowed at 2-3 inches tall and Zoysia at 1-1.5 inches tall.

Should you let grass grow longer in summer?

No, you should not let grass grow longer in summer. The heat and humidity speed up growth, so you’ll need to mow more often to keep the grass at a manageable length. If you let the grass get too long, it will be more difficult to mow and can lead to problems like brown patches.

Should you water after mowing?

It’s a good idea to water your lawn after mowing. This will help the grass recover from being cut and will give it a chance to absorb moisture before the sun dries it out.

Is it better to cut grass weekly or biweekly?

It depends on the type of grass you have. Some types of grass need to be cut more often than others. In general, common bermuda grass should be mowed every four to seven days, St. Augustine every 7-14 days, and Zoysia every seven to ten days.