
Five Key Reasons to Use Natural Lawn Care

In the United States, over 67% of landscaping is done at single-family residential homes. However, if you’re considering investing in lawn care, it’s important to know the differences between chemical lawn care and natural lawn care. Some chemical fertilizers can have harmful side effects such as increased air pollution, waterway pollution, and the acidification and depletion of minerals in the soil. Natural fertilizers, on the other hand, aren’t created with potentially harmful chemicals, and instead benefit your lawn by giving it the natural nutrients it needs to thrive. To better understand how natural lawn care can benefit your home, keep reading to learn more.

The Benefits of Natural Lawn Care

Natural lawn care has many benefits when compared to care that includes the use of chemicals. If you have children and pets, this can be especially important as exposure to chemical fertilizers could cause harm. Furthermore, it is better overall for the environment and can help keep your lawn healthier for longer. Five of the most important benefits can include the following:

  1. Healthy Root Systems

    Because organic fertilizers don’t force lawns to become dependent on synthetic chemicals for nutrients, grass develops and grows to become naturally more resilient. This developed and healthy root system makes your lawn more resistant to pest infestations and droughts that can occur throughout the year. Furthermore, a healthy root system ensures that your lawn is able to bounce back faster after a dry period.

  2. Kid-Friendly

    All chemical herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides are toxic, and children are particularly susceptible to these harmful chemicals. Because their immune systems are still developing, early exposure to these chemicals can have profound effects as they grow, even impacting the development of the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems. Furthermore, sprayed chemicals can also interfere with respiratory health making them something to avoid if you have growing children nearby.

  3. Pet-Friendly

    Many people don’t realize the damage that synthetic insecticides, fertilizers, and herbicides can do to pets if ingested. These chemicals can also be absorbed through the skin if pets are let outside after spraying is done. Furthermore, this also means that chemicals can be spread throughout the house once your pet comes back inside. Overall, if you have pets or children, synthetics are something to strongly avoid.

  4. Eco-Friendly Natural lawn care is also healthier for the environment as it’s not introducing foreign chemicals into the ecosystem. This also means that chemicals don’t have the chance to sink down and be introduced to local groundwater. Today the contamination of public water is very common and even private wells can be affected leading to chemically tainted water in your home. Natural fertilizers and lawn care solutions don’t have this risk, and instead, help invigorate the landscape as opposed to polluting it.
  5. Adding Essential Nutrients

    Organic fertilizers help feed the natural micro-organisms that live in your lawn. These organisms are essential for lawn health as they can help spread fertilizer and introduce their own natural fertilizers to better feed your lawn. This natural process allows your lawn to thrive as it was meant to, as opposed to unnaturally with risky chemicals that can disrupt this balance.

Natural lawn care is better overall for the environment and your family. Not only can you eliminate the use of harmful chemicals, but you can care for your lawn the way nature intended. If this sounds like something you would be interested in for your home, contact a local natural lawn care service and see what they can do for you!