
5 Ways to Upgrade Your Landscaping Before You Sell Your Home

Once you have decided to sell your home, you might be tempted to abandon the yard since it won’t be yours anymore. However, that’s not the best idea. About 90% of all real estate agents advise homeowners to upgrade their landscaping before selling their homes. That’s because having a properly maintained yard can help you sell your home faster and for far more money.

Take a look at some landscaping hacks that will help you achieve that good first impression.

Neat and Tidy

First impressions matter. Whatever thoughts come to people’s heads when they first arrive at your home are going to stick in their head as they contemplate buying. Therefore, ensure that you treat every aspect of your landscaping to good manicuring.

Trim Unsightly Trees and Shrubs

Regardless of the season, you should ensure that all your trees and shrubs are looking their best. Having a bunch of dead branches all over is not going to do your yard any good. In fact, that is the easiest way to scream neglect. So, don’t wait for any particular season to prune deciduous trees and shrubs. Do it all year round to boost the appearance of your yard. If some of the trees and plants are not doing well, consider utilizing natural fertilizers to make them healthier.

Clean Up Water Features

If you have any water features in your yard, then you have at your disposal a powerful tool that can significantly improve the look of your yard. However, the water will only work to your advantage if it’s sparkling clean. Therefore, you must get rid of any visible algae and remove dead leaves from the water.

Lawn Maintenance

Your lawn is your greatest weapon when trying to create an excellent first impression. Make sure your grass is well watered, and do everything you can to improve your lawn’s overall health. If the soil is of poor quality, consider applying some natural fertilizers.

Once your grass is looking green and healthy, edge the lawn. This will give your yard a manicured and well-maintained look. Such a look also gives the illusion of lower maintenance, and that’s a great high selling point.

Maintain a Uniform Overall Style

Your landscape should match the general theme of your home. It’s therefore advisable to pick a single style and stick to it. This way, you will avoid design clashing, which can take away from your curb appeal.

Having a poorly maintained yard can make buyers think there is a more serious problem than just dry grass. Now that you have some tricks up your sleeve, purchase natural fertilizers and make sure your landscaping is on point before you start advertising your home.