
5 Reasons To Invest More Time Into Your Lawn & Outdoor Space

Do you dream of the day when you have a lush green lawn? Do you feel like you cannot get green grass no matter how hard you try? Most homeowners work hard on their grass every year and find themselves disappointed. According to a survey by Harris Poll for the National Association of Landscape professionals, about 75% of Americans think it is essential to spend time caring for their lawns. There are five reasons why your grass is not green.

Deficient of Nutrients

Your grass may not have enough nitrogen. This is a common reason for a yellow or pale green lawn. Also, you may not have enough fertilizer on your grass. You should consider professional and natural lawn care services to get your lawn on a proper schedule to ensure it gets all the nutrients it needs.

Poor Mowing Schedule

How often you cut your grass may cause its dull color. Every time you mow your grass, you put a strain on it. Mowing becomes a more significant strain if you use worn blades. The top of your lawn is the darkest part, and every time you cut it, you cut away the greenest part. You should consider natural lawn care services to ensure you have an ideal mowing schedule.


Many different diseases can cause your lawn to be a color other than green. For example, fungal diseases are known to make your grass turn brown. You should consider natural lawn care services to determine if the disease impacts your lawn.

Insufficient Water

Your grass needs water. When it does not have enough water, it wilts and eventually turns yellow or pale green. If you are not sure how much your grass needs, contact natural lawn care services to get your lawn on a watering schedule to bring it back to life.

Pest Damage

Pests and insects can cause a large amount of damage to your lawn, even in the early stages. For example, your lawn begins to wilt and change color. Eventually, your lawn will become brown. Natural lawn care services can determine what type of pests are invading your lawn and control them.

No matter the cause, if your grass is not green, you should consider natural lawn care services to help bring your grass back to its natural beauty.