
5 Best Practices for Natural Lawn Care

A lush green and healthy lawn is the pride of every homeowner. Having realized the benefits of natural fertilizers, most Americans have ditched synthetic fertilizers in favor of organic lawn fertilizers. However, there’s more to organic lawn care than simply applying natural lawn fertilizers. The following best practices for organic lawn care will help you get and maintain a green lawn all year round.

1. For Starters, Plant the Right Grass

There are many grass species, and each does well under different climatic conditions. Before you lay down grass sod or plant new grass seed, you should consider your local climate. For instance, in Texas, perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and Tall Fescue do well in the cool-season. For the warm season, you can plant Carpetgrass, Buffalograss, Bermudagrass, or Centipedegrass.

Knowing the weather pattern of your local area will help you select the type of grass that will flourish in your area. After planting the right grass, applying natural fertilizers will give you faster and better results. Ultimately, through regular organic lawn care, you’ll have a nice and appealing yard with green and healthy grass. Harris Poll conducted a survey for the National Association of Landscape Professionals, which found out that 75% of Americans love to spend time outside in their yards. The first step to having a nice yard is planting the right grass and enlisting natural lawn care services.

2. Obtain a Soil Test

Before you apply natural fertilizers to your lawn, it’s vital to have a soil test to ascertain what nutrients your soil is lacking. The results of a soil test will guide you on the type of organic fertilizers that will improve your lawn soil’s health. Typically, organic fertilizers contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium as the three main nutrients. Guided by your soil test results, you can then pick the organic fertilizer that gives your soil the missing nutrients. When you engage organic lawn care services to conduct a soil test, you’ll benefit from an extensive soil-building program that will restore your soil to a healthy state.

3. Time Your Fertilization

Even before fertilizing your grass, you should consider aerating your lawn to reduce compacting. This will ensure that the soil ecosystem thrives once you apply natural fertilizers. Timing your fertilization is key because it ensures that you don’t over-fertilize or under-fertilize. Ideally, you should fertilize your lawn three times a year, depending on your soil’s health. Spring and fall are good times of the year to apply organic fertilizers because the weather isn’t too cold or too hot. While you may not have the time and experience to identify the perfect time to fertilize your lawn or increase the amount of fertilizer, organic lawn care experts do. That’s why most homeowners prefer to seek natural lawn care services to keep their yards ever-green.

4. Water Properly

When watering your lawn, you should take great care to ensure that you don’t over-water. Waterlogged soil may destroy some of the beneficial micro-organisms present in your soil’s ecosystem. Too much watering will also give room to the growth of weeds that will compete for nutrients with your grass. A well-established lawn will show signs that will tell you when you need to water it. When you observe the grass blades curling or dulling in color, it may be an indication that you need to water your lawn.

5. Leave Your Grass Clippings to Decompose in the Soil

Grass clippings are rich in Nitrogen. After mowing your grass, instead of removing the grass clippings off your lawn, you should spread them evenly. As they decompose, they’ll release Nitrogen into your soil. With time, your soil will have plenty of Nitrogen, and you’ll need less organic fertilizers.

The common mistake that most homeowners are guilty of is applying natural lawn fertilizer without prior preparation. You must first choose the right type of grass, obtain a soil test, aerate your lawn, time your fertilization, and water your lawn properly. Your best shot of having a lush green lawn is utilizing natural lawn care services.