
3 Things You Need to Know About Organic Lawn Fertilizers

Everyone wants to be able to keep a lush and beautiful lawn. This isn’t always easy, however. There are tons of things to worry about, from weeds to the soil to wildlife. The advice on how to handle these issues can be overwhelming. One piece of advice that is incredibly important, though, is to invest in organic lawn fertilizers. Choosing an organic fertilizer is a great investment for your lawn and the environment at large. But what exactly are the benefits of using organic lawn fertilizers?

Good for the Entire Ecosystem

The first thing to know about choosing a natural fertilizer is that it is great for the entire ecosystem. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is that this is a process that involves slowly changing the composition of the soil over time in a natural way. Essentially, the elements that are being used in natural fertilizers are dependent on the area that your yard is located. This means that there won’t be a major impact on the local ecosystem. The other thing that you need to understand is runoff. Runoff is the water that you see coming off your yard and into the road, into the road, and down the drain. This runoff goes into streams, which flow into rivers and eventually oceans. This means that the chemicals you put in your yard from an inorganic fertilizer are going to be carried by this runoff water into larger ecosystems further from you than you can imagine. By choosing an organic lawn fertilizer, on the other hand, the runoff will only be carrying natural materials that the ecosystems can handle.

Designed to Fit Your Soil

The average home gardener, along with anyone who simply wants a lush and green lawn, needs to understand soil to get proper results. That’s because different plants and grass types don’t just respond differently to how much water or sun they get, but also to the type of soil they’re in. That also means that soil is different depending on where you are. Some dirt is closer to sand, while other times it’s more like clay. More importantly, different soils have different pH levels. This is why the best organic lawn fertilizers are custom designed to fit your particular lawn. These organic lawn care services actually design the natural fertilizer to best fit your soil and adjust the acidity levels in your soil to give the grass its best chance to grow in your yard.

This is a Long-Term Process

It’s incredibly important to remember that organic lawn care is a long-term process. Most of the time, it actually takes about three years. In year one, you likely won’t see results. By year two there will be some movement, but it’s year three when your lawn will come to life. This can make choosing a chemical fertilizer seem like a good idea because they work a little bit quicker. However, there are some things that you need to remember about chemical fertilizers. The first is that they’re one size fits all and lack the personal touch to fit your lawn’s needs directly. Secondly, chemical fertilizers can be volatile. If you overfertilize you can too rapidly change your lawn’s composition, which won’t help your yard. However, organic lawn fertilizers are more controlled and precise, slowly releasing the nutrients needed to build the lawn in a more controlled manner. This means that you will have better, more consistent results in the long run.

Loving your lawn will make your life that much better. In fact, 75% of Americans feel that it’s important to spend time outside in their yards. Having a beautifully maintained lawn only makes it easier to do so and using natural fertilizers is the best way to build up a great yard.